Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wedding Game For Single Girls

The game is entitled "the vegetable game".

Mechanics of this game:
The single guy who won the single guy game will sit in the middle.
The single ladies will stand in circle around the single guy.
While the music is playing, the single girls will walk in one direction around the single guy.
When the music stops, the girls have to grab the vegetable/fruit clipped on the bachelor's knees or thighs.
The girl who grab first the vegetable from the bachelor's lap will be eliminated.  
Resume the music and the process repeats until there is only one player left in the game.

Note: There will be different types of vegetables/fruits. 1. White Squash 2. Radish 3. Eggplant, 4. Carrot. 5 Banana 6. Okra 7. Apple

The number of vegetables/fruits depends on the number of single girls.

It was one hell of a game. Super enjoy!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Manila Wedding Reception Games

There are actually a lot of games to choose from - for wedding reception games. As for us, besides the games we had in the wedding program booklet, we had games entitled How Much Love Can You Hold?

How Much Love Can You Hold Wedding Game  
This is just a simple game. You have to ask your maid of honor and best man to help (for counting purpose). You have to have two bags of kisses or chocolates. 

bag of kisses

Okay, so in each table there will be one representative. The couple (newlyweds) will scoop as much as kisses or chocolates they could from the bags (2 bags) for two times. Then, the emcee will ask the contestants to write down how many chocolates do they think the couple got. 80, 45, 90, etc. The person who got the closest will be the winner. So simple right?

I chose this game rather than choosing Groom or Bride wedding game where the guest will be choose if it is the groom or the bride because there were a lot of people there did not know us personally, like his high school classmates, my high school classmates, his dad's colleague, etc. It is the safest game. 

Wrecking Bowl

Another game we had, was entitled "Wrecking Bowl", the emcee read a statement, then he would ask someone if the statement was true and false. We had 5 winners for this one. The statements were hilarious.

Junk in the Trunk Wedding Game
For the single games, instead of throwing a garter, they had this Junk in the Trunk game. So this game like the usual junk in the trunk game but the winner will be the one who

The guys were wearing contraption that consists of a microwavable rectangular plastic (opened big mouth in the middle part like the tissue box) and filled with 6 ping pong balls. Each had box stuck on their rumps, and they had  to shake all the balls out. We all know that no one would like to be the 'garter guy', so we knew they would not give their best to get the balls out of the box if the 'garter guy' would be the first (to get the ball out of the box) that was the reason we reversed it.  The loser would be the "garter guy". 
My college barkada, Karlo won the game. He will get married next year 2016.

I will be posting tomorrow the single girls game.


Monday, March 9, 2015

How to Make a Wedding Program Booklet

So here's our wedding program booklet (please see the picture below).

DIY wedding booklet
back cover of the wedding booklet

DIY Wedding Program Booklet

The booklet is has 12 pages excluding the cover page and the back cover page.

Here's some snap shots.

My first plan for messages for the newlyweds supposed to be in heart shapes paper to be placed in the registration area as wedding guest book. But I changed my mind and I made a program booklet where they can just write the message for the newlyweds. Guests can just tear the paper from the booklet. Below is the actual one I made for the wedding program booklet. The tear here was already pre-cut using perforated blade so that it can be easily detached. 

I bought 2 packs of 100gsm paper for 6sgd each. 2 pack of 180 gsm paper for the cover.  I was able to make to make 160 booklets all in all. The size of the booklet is only 9.5cm. One A4 paper can be divided into three parts.

I had to do trial and error to determine which page should be printed on which side and division. I printed them back to back - like a real booklet by the way.

The wedding program booklet consist of 1. Cover Page, 2. Welcome Message 3. Things to Enjoy in the Reception 4. Wedding Entourage 5. Wedding Entourage 6. Wishes for the newlyweds 7. Blank 8. I Spy Game 9. Fill the Surnames Game 10. Words for the Heart 11. Thank You Message 12. In loving Memory 13. Back Part of the Cover.

Using a normal stapler and rubber (eraser as support) I stapled 2 cm from the end on both ends.

Here's how to use stapler and rubber in binding a booklet. Click here.

So we had two games in the booklet - I spy Game and Fill the Surnames. 

Guests were able to participate in the game. We had two winners for I spy Game and One for Name the famous couples. 

Not all of them will be able to join the actual games in the reception like the vegetable games we had etc anyway. I think having this kind of booklet (wedding program booklet) is an additional entertainment for the waiting guest.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Wedding Signage Idea - Human Statue

Wedding signage lets your guests know that they are at the right place.  It is also the best way to welcome your guests in your wedding.

Here are some examples of wedding signage

Credits to the owner

As for our wedding, we had to have a signage since there were three weddings happening on that day - Oasis Manila was fully booked.

For your information (please see the picture below)

Above cost around Php 800.00  + 600 delivery from Chasing Dreams Events. Nice right? But I wanted it to be different. I find the wood direction signage as plain and boring. Something like this is good for garden wedding or something so I decided to get a human statue. I searched online for human statue (c/o olx). The usual range is around 1500 to 2500 pesos for 3-5 hours. Luckily, I found dancing statue group for 1500 pesos c/o demi.

And here's what we had for our wedding signage.

wedding signage - human statue (nan and nen)

Originally, the dancing statue was at the entrance of the Oasis building. Around dinner time, he was asked to go inside the reception area - added some entertainment.

The human statue for our wedding  was mainly as 'signage holder' but it added entertainment not only for the young ones, also for the adults. They find it quite unique and innovative. Not all weddings in Manila have human statue for their weddings anyway.