Saturday, December 20, 2014

Wedding in Manila - The Clock is Ticking

Okey, I'm almost done with all my diy except for the favors.

1. All the boutonnieres for the principal sponsors, groomsmen, man of honor.
2. All 160 table name cards and 18 VIP cards. These will be given to the guests upon registration so that they won't get lost.
3. All 160 programs. These will be given to the guest upon registration. The booklet contains two games: i spy and fill the surnames, there's a detachable page for the guests to write their messages to us, a snippet with our entourage and thank you message as well. It serves as thank you card also.
4. All 170 ring napkins.
5. All 14 table names in photo frames.
6. All 160 menu cards.

What else?